After the PC is properly configured, the connection can be tested. After a good connection has been confirmed, either SCPI commands or the embedded instrument user interface (UI) may be used to configure the Ethernet settings on the instrument to different values. Refer to the embedded Help for details on using the UI.
Consult with your network administrator when configuring the network interface to avoid potential loss of access or discovery of the device.
The following steps describe how to verify and set the Ethernet configuration through SCPI programming:
1. Using any SCPI client, send the *IDN? query command to on port 9001. Verify the response includes the model and serial numbers, and other instrument information.
If a response is not returned, try switching to a cross-over Ethernet cable and send the query command again. Ensure that your SCPI client has the termination character enabled: \n Line Feed (xA).
2. To configure the instrument for DHCP, send the following SCPI commands to on port 9001:
Queries the DHCP setting. The return value should be OFF if the instrument is currently configured for static IP.
Turns the DHCP setting ON. The setting is applied immediately upon sending the command.
Turning DHCP ON will change the IP address. The Anritsu Discovery program will need to be used to retrieve the new IP address. See Discovering Instruments on the Network Using Windows for instructions on using the discovery program.
3. Disconnect the Ethernet crossover cable between the PC and instrument.
4. Reboot the instrument.
5. Connect the instrument and the controlling PC to your main network with a regular Ethernet cable. The PC must be re-configured for dynamic IP as described in the next section.